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Topic       : The GFA-Basic Compendium
Author      : GFA Systemtechnik GmbH
Version     : GFABasic.HYP v2.98 (12/31/2023)
Subject     : Documentation/Programming
Nodes       : 899
Index Size  : 28056
HCP-Version : 3
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : atarist
@lang       : 
@default    : Document not found
@help       : Help
@options    : +g -i -s +z
@width      : 75
@hostname   : STRNGSRV
@hostname   : CAB     
@hostname   : HIGHWIRE
@hostname   : THING   
View Ref-FileINPUT ["text",] x [,y,...]
INPUT ["text";] x [,y,...]

x, y: avar or svar

The command INPUT can be used in several ways. It accepts the input of
variables or variable lists with or without a text message being displayed on
the screen. For INPUT, the cursor will normally retain its last screen
position; however, by means of PRINT AT() followed by a semicolon, or by using
LOCATE, VTAB, or HTAB, the cursor can be put at a desired screen position.

A text string may follow the INPUT command, separated from the following
variables by a comma or a semicolon. If a semicolon is used, then a question
mark and a space are printed on the screen and the cursor placed at the
succeeding character position. When a comma is used, the question mark and
space are omitted, and the cursor is placed directly after the last character
of the text string.

If no text is to be displayed, then the question mark and space are printed,
and the cursor is put directly after the space (as if a null string ("") had
been used as text, followed by a semicolon).

When only one variable is to be input, the user types in a number or a
character string and terminates it by pressing either the Return or the Enter
key. When several values are to be entered (if there was a list of variables
after the INPUT statement in the program line), each individual variable can be
terminated by pressing Return or Enter, or they may be typed in separated by
commas and all confirmed together with a single press of the Return or Enter

If a string is to be entered which may contain commas, the instruction LINE
INPUT must be used.

If a numeric variable was expected by the INPUT statement, and a non-numeric
string typed in instead, a bell signal sounds, and the input must be repeated.

Prior to the Return or Enter key being pressed the input can be edited by means
of the Backspace, Delete, and Left and Right arrow keys. Pressing the INSERT
key switches between, insert and overwrite modes during editing.  The maximum
length of the input is 255 characters.

Special symbols can be entered in three different ways:

    - By holding down the Alternate key and typing in the ASCII code of the
      desired character using the numeric pad. When the Alternate key is
      released, the appropriate character is displayed. For instance, with 64
      as the ASCII code, the character '@' appears. This also works with
      INKEY$, INP(2), GEM Dialog Boxes etc., if it is not switched off by the
      command KEYPAD.

    - By typing Control-S followed by another character, for example Control-S
      C for the Pi character. (Press the Control and S key at the same time,
      then press C.) This feature only works with the INPUT statement or in
      Edit mode, when a program is actually being typed in.

    - By typing Control-A followed by the ASCII code of the desired character,
      e.g.: Control-A 64 for the '@' character.


    INPUT a$
    INPUT "",b$
    INPUT "Enter two numbers :";x,y
    PRINT a$,b$,x,y

--> Reads in two strings and two numeric variables. The first input command
    generates a ?, the second appears with no text and the third issues the
    message 'Enter two numbers: ?'.