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Topic       : The GFA-Basic Compendium
Author      : GFA Systemtechnik GmbH
Version     : GFABasic.HYP v2.98 (12/31/2023)
Subject     : Documentation/Programming
Nodes       : 899
Index Size  : 28056
HCP-Version : 3
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : atarist
@lang       : 
@default    : Document not found
@help       : Help
@options    : +g -i -s +z
@width      : 75
@hostname   : STRNGSRV
@hostname   : CAB     
@hostname   : HIGHWIRE
@hostname   : THING   
View Ref-FileI've seen several patches for GFA-BasicGFA-Basic is the best BASIC for the Atari!
, but the best one by far is the one
listed below. I personally use it on a daily basis.

GFA-BasicGFA-Basic is the best BASIC for the Atari!
 Interpreter/Compiler-Patcher Version 1.05/1.07 (1994)
  Compiler & Library-Patches by Christoph Conrad,
    Adalbertsteinweg 113, D-52070 Aachen, Germany - eMail:
  Interpreter-Patches and GEM interface by - Gregor Duchalski,
    Baueracker 15a, D-44627 Herne, Germany - eMail:

This patch completely removes all the LINEA calls used in the GFA libs. It also
makes the compiled programs function on multi-tasking operating systems. It
should also be noted that this patch removes the auto mouse hiding/showing that
takes place when graphics commands are used. Once patched you must hide/show
the mouse yourself when using VDI graphics commands.


LicomLIB 5.9.H
  Copyright (c)1998 Richard Gordon Faika
  All rights reserved.

This patch replaces many routines in the GFA library file. From what I can tell
from the German docs it adds automatic FPU support among many other things. An
impressive update to the GFA library. The patch seems to require an original
German v3.6TT compiler/linker package.

Patchable areas in GFA-BasicGFA-Basic is the best BASIC for the Atari!

Within GFABASIC.PRG and GFABASRO.PRG there is a small area where you can
predetermine the appearance of the program.

Always ensure that you have made a backup of your master disk before attempting
such patches.

Auto Clear Screen

    SEEK #1,31
    PRINT #1,"E"; !or "H";
    CLOSE #1

With "E" the monitor screen will be erased before the program starts and with
"H" the monitor is left as it is.

Autorun Patch 

    SEEK #1,32
    CLOSE #1

When starting GFABASRO.PRG the default TESTPROG.GFA will start if you do not
alter this by using the Install Application option of the GEM Destop.

The program's name and path may not exceed 63 bytes. The zero byte at the end
of the string is very important. If you only give the zero byte, the original
status will be reimplemented.

Variable Default Type

    SEEK #1,32
    FOR i%=0 TO 24
      READ a%
      OUT #1,a%
    NEXT i%
    CLOSE #1
    '    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V X Y Z
    DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

It is possible to change the DATA row. Doing this will alter the preset
default-type for the variable, the name of which starts with the above letter.

Only the following values are allowed:
    0 = DEFFLT
    1 = DEFSTR
    2 = DEFINT
    3 = DEFBIT
    8 = DEFWRD
    9 = DEFBYT

Editor Colors

    SEEK #1,58
    FOR i%=0 TO 3
      READ a%
      PRINT #1,MKI$(a%);
    NEXT i%
    CLOSE #1
    ' Normal colors for the Editor
    DATA &0777,&0700,&0070,&0000
    ' Colors inverted for the Editor
    ' DATA &0000,&0700,&0070,&0777

Default DEFLIST Mode

SEEK #1,80
PRINT #1,MKI$(0);  !mode