Topic : GFA-Basic Editor Author : Lonny Pursell Version : GBE.HYP v3.74 (12/31/2023) Subject : Programming/Documentation Nodes : 171 Index Size : 4296 HCP-Version : 3 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : @default : Default @help : STG Help @options : +g -i -s +z @width : 75 @hostname : THING @hostname : STRNGSRV @hostname : HIGHWIRE @hostname : CAB View Ref-FileThis setup information appiles only to the 'GBE Compiler package'. If you have a Hades060 and you wish to build binaries for 68K and V4E: __Set #1__ __Set #2__ Set name: Lib68K LibV4E Compiler: GC_68K.PRG GC_68K.PRG Linker: GL_68K.PRG GL_68K.PRG Library: LIB_68K LIB_V4E If you have a Firebee and you wish to build binaries for 68K and V4E: __Set #1__ __Set #2__ Set name: Lib68K LibV4E Compiler: GC_V4E.PRG GC_V4E.PRG Linker: GL_V4E.PRG GL_V4E.PRG Library: LIB_68K LIB_V4E In all cases these should be off (no checkmark) Remove Extension .GFA Remove Extension .O Now add this line to your source code: REM #MAK Lib68K/prg,LibV4E/app Lets assume for the sake of an example you have 'test.gfa' loaded. Now when you click 'Make' GBE will prompt you to select the library. If you select 'Lib68K' GBE will build a binary for 68K named 'test.prg'. If you select 'LibV4E' GBE will build a binary for V4E named ''. This way both binaries can co-exist in the same project folder.