Topic : The ATARI Compendium
Author : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject : Documentation
Nodes : 1117
Index Size : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-FilePsemaphore() GEMDOSSyntaxLONG Psemaphore( mode, id, timeout )
WORD mode;
LONG id;
LONG timeout;
Function Psemaphore() creates a semaphore which may only be accessed
by one process at a time.
Opcode 308 (0x134)
Availability Available when a 'MiNT' cookie with a version of at least
0.92 exists.
Parameters mode specifies the mode of the operation which affects the
other two parameters as follows:
Name mode Meaning
SEM_CREATE 0 Create a semaphore with called id and
grant ownership to the calling process.
timeout is ignored.
SEM_DESTROY 1 Destroy the semaphore called id. This only
succeeds if the semaphore is owned by the
caller. timeout is ignored.
SEM_LOCK 2 Request ownership of semaphore id. The
process will wait for the semaphore to
become available for timeout milliseconds
and then return. If timeout value of 0
will force the call to return immediately
whether or not the semaphore is available.
A timeout value of -1 will cause the call
to wait indefinitely.
SEM_UNLOCK 3 Release ownership of semaphore id. The
caller must be the current owner of the
semaphore to release control. timeout is
Binding move.l timeout,-(sp)
move.l id,-(sp)
move.w mode,-(sp)
move.w #$134,-(sp)
trap #1
lea 12(sp),sp
Return Value Psemaphore() returns a 0 if successful, ERROR (-1) if the
process requested a semaphore it already owned, or
a negative GEMDOS error code.
Comments If your process is waiting for ownership of a semaphore and
it is destroyed by another process, an ERANGE (-64) error
will result. Any semaphores owned by a process when it
terminates are released but not deleted.