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Topic       : TOS - The Operating System
Author      : 
Version     : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008)
Subject     : Programmieren/Atari
Nodes       : 3010
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HCP-Version : 5
Compiled on : Atari
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@width      : 70
View Ref-File7.8.1.21  v_bit_image                                              TOS

 Name:         »Output bit image file« - Output a bit image file on 
               the printer.

 Opcode:       5 (Escape 23)

 Syntax:       void v_bit_image ( int16_t handle, CONST int8_t 
               *filename, int16_t aspect, int16_t x_scale, int16_t 
               y_scale, int16_t h_align, int16_t v_align, int16_t 
               *xyarray );

 Description:  The call v_bit_image permits print output of the image 
               data stored in a bit-Image (IMG) file. The following 

                Parameter   Meaning

                handle      Workstation identifier
                filename    Pointer to filename
                aspect      Aspect ratio:
                             0 =     Ignore aspect ratio
                             1 =     Respect pixel aspect ratio
                x_scale     Scaling of the X-axis, and
                y_scale     Scaling of the Y-axis, for both of which 
                            the following apply:
                             0 =     Rational (exact)
                             1 =     Integer
                h_align     Horizontal alignment:
                             0 = Left
                             1 = Center
                             2 = Right
                v_align     Vertical alignment:
                             0 =     Top
                             1 =     Middle
                             2 =     Bottom
                xyarray[0]  X-coordinate, and
                xyarray[1]  Y-coordinate of top left corner of the 
                            output rectangle
                xyarray[2]  X-coordinate, and
                xyarray[3]  Y-coordinate of the bottom right corner of 
                            the output recangle

               Notes: If the aspect ratio in aspect is honoured, then 
               circles will appear as circles, squares as squares etc. 
               The image will then be stretched correspondingly on the 
               output device. In some circumstances this can look bad 
               when, say, fine dot rasters are stretched or com- 
               pressed. If the ratio is ignored, it is possible that 
               circles will become ellipses etc.

               If rational scaling is used, the image will appear at 
               the coordinates given by the VDI format rectangle 
               pointed to by xyarray; if integer scaling is used, the 
               image will be displayed as large as possible within the 
               given coordinates, using h_align and v_align for 
               justifying the image.

 Return value: The function does not return a result.

 Availability: Supported by all printer, metafile, and memory drivers.

 Group:        Special graphic functions

 See Also:     Binding   v_xbit_image   GDOS   XIMG format