Topic : TOS - The Operating System
Author :
Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008)
Subject : Programmieren/Atari
Nodes : 3010
Index Size : 93790
HCP-Version : 5
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : atarist
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@options : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4
@width : 70
View Ref-File7.7.21 vrq_valuator TOS Name: »Input valuator, Request mode« - Obtain value changes
of input devices.
Opcode: 29
Syntax: void vrq_valuator ( int16_t handle, int16_t
valuator_in, int16_t *valuator_out, int16_t *terminator
Description: The call vrq_valuator obtains a value change that is
the result of various key presses (on the valuator
device) until a terminating character is entered in
REQUEST mode. The following apply:
Parameter Meaning
handle Workstation identifier
valuator_in Initial value of valuator device
valuator_out Output value of valuator
terminator Actuated key causing termination
All values lie between 1 and 100. Typcal keys for value
changes are cursor-up or cursor-down. With these one
gets the following value changes to the value current
at the time:
Keypress Value
Cursor-up + 10
Cursor-down - 10
Shift + Cursor-up + 01
Shift + Cursor-down - 01
Return value: The function does not return a result.
Availability: The function is not supported by all device drivers
(also not in the ROM). The input functions of the VDI
work only on the physical workstation, which is
normally used by the AES.
Group: Input functions See Also: Bindingvsm_valuatorvsin_mode