Topic : TOS - The Operating System
Author :
Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008)
Subject : Programmieren/Atari
Nodes : 3010
Index Size : 93790
HCP-Version : 5
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : atarist
@lang :
@default : Title
@help :
@options : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4
@width : 70
View Ref-File7.6.49 vqt_get_table TOS Name: »Get character mapping table« - Obtain address of the
character transformation table.
Opcode: 254
Syntax: void vqt_get_table( int16_t handle, int32_t *map );
Description: The call vqt_get_table obtains the addresses of the
transformation table that maps the Atari character set
to the Bitstream and PostScript character indices. The
following apply:
Parameter Bedeutung
handle Workstation identifier
map Address where the character allocation
table is to be found. The table consists of
seven fields. Each has a size of 224
int16_t WORDS for the ASCII characters
Field Table
1 Master mapping
2 Bitstream International Character Set
3 Bitstream International Symbol Set
4 Bitstream Dingbats Set
5 PostScript Text Set
6 PostScript Symbol Set
7 PostScript Dingbats Set
Note: This information can be useful as some vector
fonts may contain characters that are not present in
the normal Atari character set.
Return value: The function does not return a result.
Availability: As of SpeedoGDOS 4.00.
Group: Inquire functions See Also: BindingGDOSSpeedoGDOSv_gtext