Topic : GFA-Basic Editor Author : Lonny Pursell Version : GBE.HYP v3.74 (12/31/2023) Subject : Programming/Documentation Nodes : 171 Index Size : 4296 HCP-Version : 3 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : @default : Default @help : STG Help @options : +g -i -s +z @width : 75 @hostname : THING @hostname : STRNGSRV @hostname : HIGHWIRE @hostname : CAB View Ref-FileDelete line(s) of code in various ways. #DL* Toggle deletion on/off (if not found deletion is off by default) #DL1 Delete 1 line. (line directly after the command) #DL? Delete all PRINT statements. (PRINT # is not removed) #DL@ proc Delete a 'procedure' and all calls to it. #DL+ Start multi-line deletion. #DL- End multi-line deletion. #DL~ Delete unused procedures (that are never called). #DL0 Delete empty procedures (that are called). #DL< Delete all LOG_xxx commands. Example: REM #DL* !on REM #DL? !kill print lines REM #DL~ !remove unused procedures REM #DL@ debug !poof this proc REM #DL1 REM #DL0 OUT 2,7 !this line is removed PRINT "this line is removed" @db("this gets zapped too") REM #DL+ COLOR 1 !these 2 lines get wiped out PLOT 0,0 REM #DL- LINE 0,0,319,199 @ok @debug("test") @empty !removed, since the procedure contains no code EDIT PROCEDURE debug(t$) !this proc gets zapped PRINT t$ RETURN PROCEDURE ok BOUNDARY 0 RETURN PROCEDURE dummy !removed (never called) CLS RETURN PROCEDURE empty !removed since it contains no code, but it's called RETURN Note: #DL~ will not remove procedures which contain DATA or DEFFN lines as there is no easy way to determine if they are used.