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Topic       : TOS - The Operating System
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Version     : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008)
Subject     : Programmieren/Atari
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Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-File7.5.7  v_bez                                                       TOS

 Name:         »Output Bezier« - Draw Bezier-spline path.

 Opcode:       6 (Sub-Opcode 13)

 Syntax:       void v_bez ( int16_t handle, int16_t count, int16_t 
               *xyarr, int8_t *bezarr, int16_t *extent, int16_t 
               *totpts, int16_t *totmoves );

 Description:  The call v_bez draws a Bezier-spline curve path. The 
               following apply:

                Parameter  Meaning

                handle     Workstation identifier
                count      Number of vertices in path
                xyarr      Coordinates of vertices
                bezarr     Point-type flags:
                            Bit-0 =     First point in a 4-point 
                                        Bezier curve (2 anchor points 
                                        points and 2 control points)
                            Bit-1 =     Jump point - this point and 
                                        the previous one will not be 
                                        connected; useful for drawing 
                                        enclaves or exclaves
                            Bit-2..7 =  Reserved, set to 0
                extent     Coordinates of the bounding box
                totpts     Number of points in the resulting path
                totmoves   Number of moves in the path

               Note: The last point of a Bezier-segment can be the 
               first point of the next Bezier curve (or it can be a 
               jump point). If bit 0 of bezarr is 0, v_bez works like 
               v_pline and draws a straight line between two points.

 Return value: The function does not return a result.

 Availability: As of GEM/3 Release 3.1, SpeedoGDOS 4.00 onwards, and 
               NVDI 2.10 onwards.

 Group:        Output functions

 See Also:     Binding   v_bez_on   v_bez_off   v_bez_fill 
               v_bez_qual   v_set_app_buff