Topic : The ATARI Compendium
Author : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject : Documentation
Nodes : 1117
Index Size : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-FileFsnext()Fgetdta()Fsetdta()Fsfirst() GEMDOSSyntaxWORD Fsfirst( fspec, attribs )
char *fspec;
WORD attribs;
Function Fsfirst() searches the file/pathspec given for the first
occurrence of a file or subdirectory with named attributes
and if found, fill in the current DTA with that file's
Opcode 78 (0x4E)
Availability All GEMDOSversions.
Parameters fspec is the GEMDOS file specification of the file or
subdirectory to search for. This specification may use
wildcard characters (? or *) within the filename, however
they may not be used within the pathname. This function is
the only GEMDOS function which accepts wildcard characters in
the path specification. attribs is a bit mask which can
combine several file characteristics that further narrows the
search as follows:
Name Bit Meaning
FA_READONLY 0x01 Include files which are read-only.
FA_HIDDEN 0x02 Include hidden files.
FA_SYSTEM 0x04 Include system files.
FA_VOLUME 0x08 Include volume labels.
FA_DIR 0x10 Include subdirectories.
FA_ARCHIVE 0x20 Include files with archive bit set.
Binding move.w attribs,-(sp)
pea fspec
move.w #$4E,-(sp)
trap #1
addq.l #8,sp
Return Value Fsfirst() returns E_OK (0) if a file was found and the DTA was successfully filled in with the file information.
Otherwise, it returns a negative GEMDOS error code. The DTA structure is defined as:
typedef struct
BYTE d_reserved[21];
BYTE d_attrib;
UWORD d_time;
UWORD d_date;
LONG d_length;
char d_fname[14];
} DTA;
Comments This function uses the application's DTA which is initially
located in the same memory location as the processes' command
line. Using this function without first assigning a new DTA will corrupt the command line. When running in the MiNT domain
(see Pdomain()), Fsfirst() and Fsnext() will fill in the DTA with lowercase filenames rather than the standard TOS uppercase.
See Also Fsnext(), Fgetdta(), Fsetdta()