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Topic       : GFA-Basic Editor
Author      : Lonny Pursell
Version     : GBE.HYP v3.74 (12/31/2023)
Subject     : Programming/Documentation
Nodes       : 171
Index Size  : 4296
HCP-Version : 3
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : atarist
@lang       : 
@default    : Default
@help       : STG Help
@options    : +g -i -s +z
@width      : 75
@hostname   : THING   
@hostname   : STRNGSRV
@hostname   : HIGHWIRE
@hostname   : CAB     
View Ref-FileRequires a resolution of 640 wide or better.
Will run in 640x480 but some dialog boxes might appear to large.
Really should be used at 800x600 minimum.

First copying the \gbe folder to your hard drive.

GBE.APP -> V4E version, FireBee only version
GBE.PRG -> 68K version, all other machines

Folder '\gbe\include' is for optional includes (*.LST files).
Folder '\gbe\import' contains import modules.
Folder '\gbe\export' contains export modules.
Folder '\gbe\system' should contain the following:
Folder '\gbe\libs' should contain libraries.

GBE auto detects the cpu type and uses the correct runonly automatically.

You can use the following compiler/linker/library sets:  Suggested set name:
  GBE Library (included)                                 GBE 68K/GBE V4E
  GFA Patch'ed Library                                   GFA Patch
  RUN! Software                                          RUN!lib
  The original GFA Compiler package                      GFA Lib
  RGF Software LicomLib                                  LicomLib

By default GBE has a pre-defined path structure for all known libraries. If
you wish to avoid setting all of the paths by hand, all you need to do is
download the various libraries and place them in the correct sub-folders. See
'GBE library path structure' for more details.

Start GBE...

Before doing anything. Are any of the GFA components on a partition that
supports long files name? If so, select drop-down menu 'Setup' ->
'Startup Items' and turn on option 'Enable long file names'. Make sure this
option is check marked. GBE might issue error -33 if this option is off on
a partition that supports long file names.

If you are using the 'GBE Library', then the two Libraries can be used by both
versions of the compiler and linker. This means you can build both 68K and V4E
binaries on any system. See 'target examples' for more information.

GBE includes the 68K and V4E libraries. You can stop reading here if this is
enough. If you wish to install additional libraries continue reading.

Select drop-down menu 'Setup' -> 'Paths'. Place the cursor at the first
'Compiler/Linker set' and enter a name for the library you wish to use. If
it's my library enter something like '68klib'. Now set the 'Compiler path',
'Linker path', and 'Library path' and click 'Ok'. Goto drop-dowm menu
'Setup' -> 'Save setup'.

Make sure you install the correct compiler and linker for your machine.

If you wish to install a 2nd library, repeat the process but be sure to give
the set a unique name. Maybe you installed the V4E library for the FireBee
and named it 'V4Elib'.

If you don't select a library in the source code then the first set will
automatically be used. If you want to use the 2nd library you installed for
example, enter the following line in the source code:

REM #LIB 68Klib  !make will use this library

GBE has a context sensitive help system based on ST-Guide. If the default
location for the HYPertext documents in '\gbe\system' does not work, try
moving them to your global hypertext folder. Also make sure to set environment
STGUIDE= to the path of your hypertext viewer. HypView can also be used, just
point it to the correct path.

Example: STGUIDE=e:\hyp_view\hyp_view.prg

Optionaly you can use the RUN!Only interpreter from RUN! Software.
However, it does not work on the Firebee. If you want to use it you will have to
rename it 'ro_68k.prg' otherwise GBE won't be able to find it.


It's possible to run source files as if they are programs. Simply assign file
type *.GBS (stands for GFA-BasicGFA-Basic is the best BASIC for the Atari!
 Source) to start RO_68K.PRG or RO_V4E.PRG.
Then when you double-click a source file it will appear to run compiled, buts
it's actually interpreted.

If your program calls menu_register() to set a pretty app name you won't
even be able to tell it's interpreted, unless it's some cpu intensive task
where the compiler adds a huge speed boost.

Normally you would assign file type *.GFA to start GBE. That's why I suggested
the other extension.

If you have small projects or tools that don't really gain anything from
compiling or during your development cycle, this feature could come in handy.