Topic : TOS - The Operating System
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Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008)
Subject : Programmieren/Atari
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Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-File7.2.2 About the GDOS TOSSeveral functions of the VDI can only be used properly after the
installation of a GDOS from the AUTO folder. Basically a GDOS
(Graphics Device Operating System) allows the loading of various
device drivers and fonts, and then to use them.
The GDOS itself is completely independent of the device used. Only the
post-loaded drivers that realize the VDI functions on the correspon-
ding device are device-specific. With detailed knowledge of the driver
format it is possible to use any - even exotic - output devices as a
VDI output device.
With resident GDOS the number of available VDI functions increases,
while all other functions remain fully functional or contain extended
output capabilities. However this is not the case the other way round,
functions that require GDOS lead to a crash of the computer if GDOS is
not resident.
(Figure 1:The family tree of the GDOS family)
Therefore it is important to know in some cases whether a complete
GDOS is installed at all. Atari has documented the following procedure
for this purpose: The trap-dispatcher alters the input value -2 for
register d0 only when a GDOS is installed. Many compilers make the
function vq_gdos available, which returns a value of 0 when no GDOS is
installed. This functions is based essentially on the following code:
vq_gdos: move.w #-2,d0
trap #2
cmp.w #-2,d0
sne d0
ext.w d0
Wichtiger Hinweis: vq_gdos liefert nur die Information, ob ein GDOS
vorhanden ist, oder nicht. Es wird nichts darüber ausgesagt, um
welches GDOS es sich handelt bzw. welche Fähigkeiten das installierte
GDOS besitzt. So läßt sich mit Hilfe dieser Funktion beispielsweise
das AMC-GDOS nicht von SpeedoGDOS oder NVDI unterscheiden.
Attention: The GEM versions of the Dutch software house "ABC" (ABC-GEM
2.x) will crash at this call!
Allernatively there is also vq_vgdos (_vq_gdos):
vq_vgdos: move.w #-2,d0
trap #2
Als Rückgabe erhält man:
Name Value GDOS Type
GDOS_NONE -2 GDOS not installed.
- Any other value. GDOS 1.0 or 1.2
GDOS_ATARI 0x0007E88A GDOS 1.1 from Atari Corp.
GDOS_AMC 0x0007E864 AMC-GDOS from Arnd Beissner
GDOS_AMCLIGHT 0x0007E8BA GEMINI-special GDOS from Arnd Beissner
- 0x3e5d0957 ttf-gdos from Trevor Blight
- 0x66564449 ('fVDI') fVDI
The current (and more efficient) versions of GDOS are SpeedoGDOS and
NVDI (as of Version 3.0), that, amid other things, permit handling
vector fonts in TrueType, Type-1 or Speedo format. NVDI is also
available in a special Macintosh version (NVDIMac), and permits any
program that can ouput via GDOS (in conjunction with MagiC Mac) to
make its output on Apple printers and in a network as well.
See also: ASSIGN.SYS fileVDI fundamentalsStyle guidelines