Topic : MC56001 Documentation Author : JAY Software Version : 1.0 (19/11/1997) Subject : Programming/Assembler Nodes : 152 Index Size : 4106 HCP-Version : 4 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : @default : @help : @options : -i +y +z -t4 @width : 100 View Ref-FileData ALU Input Registers (X1,X0,Y1,Y0) X1,X0,Y1, and Y0 are four 24-bit, general-purpose data registers. They can be treated as four independent, 24-bit registers or as two 48-bit registers called X and Y, develloped by the concatenation of X1:X0 and Y1:Y0, respectively. X1 is the most significant word in X and Y1 is the most significant word in Y. The registers serve as input buffer registers between the XDB or YDB and the MAC unit. They are used as data ALU source operands, allowing new operands to be loaded for the next instruction while the register contents are used by the current instruction. The registers may also be read back out to the appropriate data bus to implement memory-delay operations and save/restore operations for interrupt service routines.